tanvastouch[CES 2017] Tanvas intends to change the way in which we make use of our touchscreens through their breakthrough technology that is known as the TanvasTouch. TanvasTouch happens to be a kind of programmable surface haptic technology which will allow one to feel what one’s sees on the touch display, now how about that for a greater and more immersive level of interactivity?

Tanvas shared, “Our goal at CES is to provide a glimpse of what’s possible and, like our first-mover partners, inspire a new wave of creative innovators to build TanvasTouch into their products and applications.”

It does not matter whether the TanvasTouch is used in industries such as retail, consumer electronics and gaming, advertising, automotive, visual impairment and the arts, the potential for it is vast and some say, limitless. Those who adopt it are able to come up with applications that incorporate infinite textures and lifelike effects. Utilizing knowledge in the branch of surface haptics, TanvasTouch offers real-time control of the forces acting between a fingertip and the touch surfaces, making it a truly unique experience that cannot be found on ordinary touchscreen displays, even those with haptic feedback.

Imagine being able to feel what a fabric is like when you are trying to determine your online purchase of clothing. Or how about getting an idea on the wooden grain that runs all over the table which you saw in an online portal? It would be interesting to see how TanvasTouch is implemented in gaming — presumably it would work great in Augmented Reality (AR) situations.

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