In a few day’s time, OnePlus is expected to officially unveil their latest handset, the OnePlus 3T. However could it be possible that OnePlus has another handset in the works? According to a recent Geekbench sighting, a mysterious OnePlus smartphone with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 chipset was spotted.
The listing is also claiming that the phone will have 6GB of RAM and will come with Android 7.1 Nougat. Interestingly enough the handset in question is called the OnePlus Pixel, so if you’re thinking that maybe this is an benchmark for the OnePlus 3, that’s probably not the case. Also from what we have heard, the OnePlus 3T is said to be powered by a Snapdragon 821, a feature that Qualcomm themselves have teased.
So what is this mysterious handset? Like we said it could be mistaken for the OnePlus 3 given that it pretty much shares the same specs. However it is also possible that it could be a fake. While we don’t come across fake benchmarks too often, it is possible to be faked so it’s not entirely out of the question.
Could OnePlus be working on a Pixel handset of their own? That also seems rather unlikely, so maybe for now try not to read too much into this and hopefully come 15th of November, all will be revealed.
Filed in OnePlus.
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