If you use WhatsApp, you will probably have heard that the company has recently updated its policy where they will now collect and share your data with Facebook. Obviously this has not gone down well with users, and over in India, the country’s high court have ordered the company to delete the data of users who opted out of the privacy policy changes.
However it seems that WhatsApp has no plans to comply. Speaking to Mashable India, WhatsApp spokesperson Anne Yeh said, “The ruling has no impact on the planned policy and terms of service updates.” It is expected that WhatsApp could argue that since they are an American company that they don’t have to comply with India’s legislation, according to lawyer and activist Amlan Mohanty.
This isn’t the first time that WhatsApp has faced resistance from governments. Recently we reported that Germany had also asked WhatsApp to stop collecting user data, and to delete everything that they have since collected. Unsurprisingly WhatsApp has also refused to comply with their requests, and are actually planning on appealing it.
It is clear that many aren’t fond of the new policy changes, especially since several years ago when Facebook acquired WhatsApp, both companies made a promise that they will not share data with each other, but obviously that has since changed.
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