Twitter brought Night Mode to its Android app last month. It said that the feature would soon go live on iOS as well. Night Mode simply transforms the user interface into a darker hue so that it’s easier on the eyes when viewed at night. Its a feature that many applications have and many Twitter users are happy that the company has added it to its official apps. Twitter today confirmed that the iOS app now has Night Mode.

Twitter confirmed via, you guessed it, Twitter that Night Mode is rolling out today for iOS. It flips the app’s normal background interface to provide a much darker look that’s easier to read at night or in dimly lit environments.

Night Mode was spotted in the latest beta of Twitter for iOS earlier this month. However, it was limited to the beta build, which meant that only those taking part in the beta testing of this app could use this feature on their iOS device.

That changes today as the feature is rolling out for everybody. All iOS users simply need to update the Twitter app on their devices to get Night Mode. To switch on Night Mode in iOS, tap on the gear icon that provides access to the app’s setting menu and simply switch Night Mode on and off with just one tap.

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