Xperia XA White DesignWhen it comes to Android smartphones, it is no secret that companies like Samsung are leading the way. Then we also have the likes of LG, HTC, Motorola, Sony, and so on. So the question is, with all these different brands, which should we choose? There are a number of factors that goes into making that decision, naturally.

However if you’re after overall stability, Sony’s Xperia lineup might be of interest to you. According to mobile app insight company Apteligent (via Xperia Blog), they claim that Sony’s Xperia handsets are the most stable amongst the Android phones. They found that apps running on Xperia handsets were less prone to crashing than other brands.

To be more specific, Xperia phones had an average crash rate of 0.08%. This is versus Motorola which has a crash rate of 0.09%, HTC in third place with 0.1%, Samsung and LG tied in fourth at 0.11% each, and ZTE in fifth position at 0.28% (yikes). Now these numbers mean that crashes itself are relatively infrequent, but it does highlight the Xperia lineup’s overall stability.

Of course everyone’s experience will be different and also it depends on how you use your phone, but if phone stability is one of the factors you take into consideration when deciding if you should buy a new phone, maybe Sony’s Xperia phones could be worth your consideration.

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