pokemon-goThe idea of Pokemon Go is that as you walk around in the real world and discover Pokemon “in the wild”, while also being able to battle against other players in real life. However we’re pretty sure that discovering a dead body while playing Pokemon Go was not what 19-year old Shayla Wiggins from Riverton, Wyoming expected.

Speaking to KTVQ.com, Wiggins claimed that she was trying to catch Pokemon from a “natural water source” when she discovered a body floating in the water. She called 911 and according to the subsequent report, it seems that they have ruled that for the moment, it appears to have been an accident.

The report reads, “The death appears to be accidental in nature and possibly that of a drowning. There is no evidence at this time that would indicate foul play. Evidence located at the scene has led investigators to believe the man went into the water at the location he was found. The body was located in about three feet of water on the east side of the Wind River Bridge.”

That being said, Pokemon Go has sent many players out into the real world and explore places they may normally not. This has led to police issuing warnings to players to be careful and to not simply dash across the road and to watch for cars.

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