If you’ve been using the internet for some time you might be aware of memes, and if you’re aware of memes then you might have heard of Slender Man, the haunting meme that has been around for a few years. There has been talk about a Slender Man movie for some time now and it appears that the horror movie is one step closer to reality. The wheels are in motion over at Hollywood to make a Slender Man movie.
Slender Man meme is particularly popular with online creative writing spaces, it came out from the Something Awful forums in 2009 and has haunted imaginations ever since.
The New York Times reports that Sony Pictures’ Screen Gems division is looking into producing and distributing a movie based on Slender Man and that it’s currently in negotiations with Mythology Entertainment which owns the rights to this character.
Slender Man has established his place in popular culture with brief appearances in several games, including Minecraft while Slender Men stories are quite popular online, so Hollywood is actually a little late to the party, but it certainly looks interested in exploring this opportunity.
Nothing has been confirmed as yet but if Sony is able to work something out with Mythology Entertainment, filming on the movie could begin by the fall.
Filed in Entertainment.
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