facebook-live-android-screenJust in case you’re not familiar, Facebook has a service called Live in which it allows users to create live video streams and share it with friends and their followers. Previously the feature was only limited to celebrities and public figures, but now Facebook has pretty much opened it up to just about anyone.

Now it seems that Facebook is pretty invested in this feature because according to a report from Re/code, the social network company is said to have offered up financial incentives to media companies to take advantage of the platform. This was confirmed by Fidji Simo, the product director in charge of Facebook’s Live video push.

According to Simo, “We’re working with a few partners, and in some of the cases that includes a financial incentive.” Prior to this, Re/code had also reported that Facebook had offered financial incentives to celebrities to use its Facebook Live service. Given that there are already live streaming platforms like Twitter’s Periscope and Twitch, it is understandable that Facebook is trying to get more people to use its platform instead.

Just recently Facebook pushed out an update to its Live service in which it will now allow users to publish Live streams to Facebook Groups and Events, where only users part of those Groups or Events will be able to view the streams.

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