One of the most highly anticipated movies of 2016 is now in theatres across the globe. Batman v Superman brings us Ben Affleck as Bruce Wayne and with a new Batman comes a new Batcave. Even if you’ve not gone in to see the movie yet you’ll have some idea of what a Batcave is supposed to be, it holds all of the tech, equipment and vehicles that the caped crusader uses. Google Street View has teamed up with Warner Bros to bring the Batcave from the new movie to Street View.
Check out the new Batcave in Google Street View and take a look at all of the equipment, weaponry and more that’s scattered across the Batcave. There are even little details about Batman’s past that fans of the franchise might be able to pick up.
What would the Batcave be without the Batmobile? It gets its fair share of the spotlight in Street View. The entire experience can be viewed in the browser or in virtual reality provided that you have a viewer like the Google Cardboard or a headset like the Gear VR.
Warner Bros has built a very impressive Batcave for this new movie and it wouldn’t be surprising to see it being used again. It has already confirmed two Justice League movies which will be released in the coming years and since Batman will feature in those movies, at some point the Batcave will get some screen time as well.
Filed in Batman and Entertainment.
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