Mortal-Kombat-X-Kombat-Pack-2When Mortal Kombat X’s first character pack was announced, for some reason the folks at NetherRealm decided to release them character by character. Granted, this seemed to make the DLC feel “longer” than it really was, but at the same time we’re sure there are gamers out there who’d rather just get everything at once.

The good news is that if you are planning on getting your hands on Mortal Kombat X Kombat Pack 2, you will be pleased to learn that the characters in the DLC will all be released at once. This was confirmed on Twitter by Ed Boon who wrote, “To those asking: All the new fighters in Mortal Kombat XL & Kombat Pack 2 become available on the same day. March 1.”

We reckon that this might have to do with Mortal Kombat XL being released. For those who are learning about Mortal Kombat XL for the first time, this is basically Mortal Kombat X, except that it comes with all the DLCs bundled with it. So if you do not own the game but want to get into it, the XL bundle is a good way to go about it.

Both the Kombat Pack 2 and Mortal Kombat XL will be released on the 1st of March, with the latter currently available for pre-order on the Xbox ONe for $59.99.

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