The case actually dates back to 2013 where Jackson reportedly confiscated his daughter’s phone after it was discovered she was trying to organize an attack on another minor. Sounds like normal parenting, right? However the mother thought otherwise and apparently called the cops on him.
Michelle Steppe, the mother in question, told WFAA8, “You can’t take someone’s property, regardless if you’re a parent or not.” The case escalated as Jackson felt that it was ridiculous that the police was trying to tell him how to parent his daughter. Speaking to CBS, “I didn’t want the police department telling me how to parent my child. It made no sense to me for them to show up and make a big deal out of something that was a small thing. I couldn’t believe they would go to this extent for a cell phone. It didn’t seem right.”
Thankfully Dallas County Criminal Court Judge Lisa Green found that Jackson was not guilty, claiming that the state’s case lacked evidence. However Jackson is planning on taking it further by filing a federal complaint for civil rights violations, claiming that this was the result of the police department who was working out a personal bias against him. Yikes, talk about messy!
Filed in Legal and Social Hit.
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