As you can see in the photo above, Sysvival’s invention is basically a banana which when pressed, will generate a WiFi password that will be displayed on the screen above it. According to his description, he was originally tasked with creating a spreadsheet, but apparently spreadsheets aren’t his thing, hence leading to this invention.
“I was tasked with setting up a captive portal, and creating 8 hour vouchers in a spreadsheet. I don’t do spreadsheets. So I put the vouchers in a Raspberry PI, and hooked it up to a banana. When you touch the banana, you get an 8 hour voucher for our guest wifi. (the 3 sec timeout is only for demoing). The PI has 5000, 8 hour vouchers. We are open ~200 days a year. If we have 10 guests a day, then this will work unattended for a couple of years easily. No more printing of vouchers. No nagging receptionist.”
It is a bit of a novelty but a pretty imaginative one at that. Of course, it will need changing once in a while as the banana will eventually go rotten, but as far as DIY projects are concerned, we love it!
Filed in DYI.
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