htc-one-m9-live-1So, you happen to be rocking to the brand new HTC One M9, are you? Having said that, you must surely be licking your lips in anticipation to pick up the latest mobile operating system update, and that would be Android 6.0 Marshmallow. With HTC begin to roll out an official Android 6.0 Marshmallow update to its unlocked One M8 not too long ago, surely the same should apply to the HTC One M9 in the near future. It seems that such a day has arrived, with the Marshmallow update being slated for a release for the unlocked One M9 Stateside, and users are said to be able to obtain the download via OTA (Over The Air) within the coming 24 hours, and this bit of information was confirmed in a tweet by Mo Versi, who happens to be the Vice President of Product Management at HTC USA.

It still remains unknown as to when the unlocked HTC One M9 that are located outside of the US will be on the receiving end of the Android 6.0 Marshmallow update, but surely it should not be too far off in the future now. It also seems as though the unlocked HTC One A9 will be receiving Android 6.0.1 Marshmallow in the next 24 hours as well. Christmas has arrived earlier than expected for HTC One M9 owners in the US, don’t you think so?

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  • 1920x1080
  • LCD
  • 441 PPI
20.7 MP
  • f/2.2 Aperture
2840 mAh
  • Non-Removable
  • No Wireless Charg.
  • Snapdragon 810
  • MicroSD
~$238 - Amazon
157 g
Launched in
Storage (GB)
  • 32