gtav_details09122014_015Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto V started out as a single-player game, but subsequent updates introduced GTA Online which brought a multiplayer aspect to the game. Rockstar also stated that GTA Online would be their primary focus moving forward as far as the GTA franchise is concerned, but could they have a change of heart?

According to a recent posting on Se7enSins, one user by the name of LondonTown2004 has been data mining the game and according to his/her discovery, they have uncovered what seems like evidence that Rockstar could be working on a single-player DLC for the game. It is unclear as to what this DLC might be about as not much information save for its existence was discovered.

It is unclear as to whether this could potentially be an upcoming DLC, or it could be remnants of an older DLC that Rockstar decided to abandon in favor of GTA Online. Unsurprising the developers did not comment on the discovery, so as it stands it’s really anyone’s guess as to what this DLC could or will hold.

The most recent update to GTA Online was the Executives and Other Criminals expansion that was released earlier this month, so it seems unlikely that we will be seeing new content so soon, but either way we’ll be keeping our eyes peeled for more information regarding a potential single-player DLC release.

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