
Bethesda isn’t just riding the massive wave of success that Fallout 4 has brought about, it’s actively working to ensure that gamers continue to have the best possible experience. It has now released the much awaited first patch for Fallout 4 on PC. The first patch is only available in beta right now and yet it does fix some of the issues that were irking players soon after launch, and that will most certainly be well received within the community.

The first patch for Fallout 4 on PC addresses multiple issues related to the title’s overall stability and also makes general memory improvements. Full patch notes for beta update 1.2.33 also allows remapping through number pad keys and remapping activate now works on Quick Container.

Several fixes are included in this patch as well, it fixes issues like where the Launcher would not save God Rays Quality setting as it should, where equipped weapons would become locked after completing Reunions or when the quest would not complete in When Freedom Calls.

Players can now get their hands on this first patch for Fallout 4 on PC, it’s available in beta right now, and to access it they first need to back up their game and follow the instructions mentioned on Steam.

Once the patch has been downloaded and applied Fallout 4 will then appear as Fallout 4 [beta] in Library. Those who would like to go back from the beta to the stable version only need to redo the first four steps mentioned over on Steam.

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