mgs 5There are many reasons why Metal Gear Solid V was highly-anticipated. For starters it is a Metal Gear Solid title which has a loyal fanbase to begin with. It was also developed by Hideo Kojima, which as it turns out will also be his last Metal Gear Solid game as far we know. This is why it doesn’t come as a surprise to learn how much the game made on its opening day.

According to the numbers published by Adobe Digital Index, it turns out that Metal Gear Solid V pulled in a very impressive $179 million on its opening day alone. To give it some context, the amount the game made put blockbuster movies like Avengers: The Age of Ultra and Jurassic World to shame.

Avengers managed to make $84.5 million on its opening day, while Jurassic World pulled in a just-as-impressive $82 million. This also means that when combined, both movies still do not match with the amount Metal Gear Solid V made. That being said, there are games who have grossed higher like Grand Theft Auto V. but still to see it being able to earn more than the most popular movies in 2015 is an impressive feat, especially where there have been some who claim that consoles are supposedly on their way out.

According to Tamara Gaffney, principal analyst and director at Adobe, this just serves to highlight that the gaming industry is bigger than what a lot of marketers think. ”These games get more social buzz on opening day than most movies do, and the revenue for one of the top games this year outdid the highest-grossing movie start [Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 with $91 million] by nearly double.”

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