windows 10 market shareIn terms of adoption, it looks like Microsoft has done something right with Windows 10 because according to the latest figures via NetMarketShare, it seems that Windows 10 is now accounting for more than 5% of the desktop market. To be specific, Windows 10 at this time of writing holds a 5.21% market share.

This is very impressive especially if you were consider that it was only last month that Windows 10 had 2.47% of the market. However we should note that these two stats were recorded by different companies so their data gathering might be a bit different, but overall it certainly does seem to indicate that Windows 10’s adoption is on the rise.

In fact the latest numbers have suggested that the number of Windows 10 installs has crossed the 75 million mark, a leap over the 53 million mark from last month. There are probably many factors that can be attributed to Windows 10’s success, one of which we can assume has to do with the fact that it is a free upgrade for those with legitimate copies of Windows 7, 8, or 8.1.

It also seems to have brought back the more traditional look and Start Menu that was missing from Windows 8/8.1, something that many users are pleased about. The addition of other features such as Cortana and the new Edge browser are also possible attributing factors to Windows 10’s success.

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