tiny1Have you ever tried taking a photo of the night sky with your smartphone? Have you ever seen the moon so large and full that you just want to capture with your phone, only to realize that the end result is less than spectacular? Unfortunately many of us have been there, but if you’re into stargazing and astronomy, a company in Singapore called Tinymos wants to help out.

The three man startup have created a camera called the Tiny1 which they are planning on launching on Indiegogo to help crowdfund it to success. What the camera does is it is able to capture the night sky with much better quality than one would expect from regular cameras or our smartphones.

It will also allow photographers to travel with a camera the size of a compact and capture night-time images that would have required big, heavy, and expensive equipment. While it does seem to target a pretty niche crowd, Grey Tan, who is the company’s managing director said that they take inspiration from GoPro, which started out aimed at sports enthusiasts but has since expanded its reach to all kinds of users, ranging from their original target audience all the way up to YouTube vloggers.

Tan also estimates that there are about 2 million astronomy enthusiasts in North America alone that they can cater to, so assuming that they can, we imagine the Tiny1 will be quite the success. Their plans to launch a crowdfunding campaign is expected to take place at the end of the year, so we’ll definitely be keeping our eyes peeled for it.

In the meantime you can hit up the company’s Instagram page to see some sample shots and to follow its progress.

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