Now if you’re not a fan of having your browsing habits tracked, you will be please to learn that the Electronic Frontier Foundation has officially released the Privacy Badger extension. This is an extension developed for Chrome and Firefox and basically what it does is it blocks ads that might be potentially spying on you.
The extension has been in the works for a while now so the release is actually the public release, whereas previously the extension was based on alpha and beta builds. According to the EFF, “Privacy Badger 1.0 will spot many of the trackers following you without your permission, and will block them or screen out the cookies that do their dirty work.”
It will be different from other ad blockers such as AdBlock in the sense that Privacy Badger relies on complex algorithms to detect and block non-consensual tracking. If you’d like to learn more you can head on over to the Privacy Badger website for the details where you can also access the extensions and have it installed on Chrome or Firefox.
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