The advantage to playing on a digital drum is that it lets you choose from a wide variety of sound effects. You can emulate the sound of other drums, or you can choose to emulate a different instrument entirely. However as many drummers will probably attest, the feel of an electronic drum kit is different from that of a traditional analog drum kit.

Enter the Sensory Percussion. As you can see in the video above, the Sensory Percussion is a device you attach to an analog drum kit. This allows you to get the feel of a traditional drum kit but at the same time gain the advantages and features that you would expect from an electronic kit, such as choosing what sounds you want certain parts of the drum to represent.

According to the description, “Sensory Percussion understands where and how you hit the drum. It not only lets you map different parts of the drum to any sound desired (from samples and synthesizers to digital audio effects), it also lets you control those sounds in an intuitive, expressive way. Sounds follow your playing in real-time—so rather than twiddle knobs and push buttons, you can control the experience simply by playing the drums.”

It’s a pretty clever idea and might be a good way for musicians to record certain sound effects in the studio live without having to worry about editing in the effects later. As it stands, the project has managed to raise a little over $66,000 at this time of writing, and if you’d like to help them hit their goal of $80,000, head on over to their Kickstarter page and pledge your support.

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