Reddit is one of the most popular websites on the internet, no wonder it refers to itself as the internet’s front page. Despite that massive userbase Reddit still does not offer an official app for Android. Third-party clients are available and Reddit does offer an app for its Ask Me Anything sessions but there’s no official app for the entire site. There’s good news, the official Reddit Android app is going to be released soon.
The information comes straight from Reddit’s new CEO Steve Huffman who revealed on the site itself that an Android app is “under active development.”
“I normally don’t like talking about things before they’re ready,” but since people have been asking him repeatedly he’s providing this update regarding what’s going on, “it’s coming along nicely” he says adding that the app was already in development before he took the reins.
Android users have long been waiting for an official app particularly after an “official client” app was launched in October last year following the company’s acquisition of popular third-party Reddit client Alien Blue.
Huffman didn’t provide an exact release date for the Android application but from the looks of it Reddit users may not have to wait for too long now before they’re able to browse and contribute to their favorite subreddits from the comfort of an official app.