It was recently reported by Reuters no less that AMD is considering a breakup or at least a spinoff, this rumor has come up multiple times in the past but given that it came from a credible scribe many started thinking whether it could really be true this time around. While AMD normally doesn’t reply to such rumors it has broken its silence and denied any rumors of a spinoff or a breakup of the company.
AMD spokesperson Sarah Youngbauer told ExtremeTech that while AMD wouldn’t normally comment on this matter, “we can confirm that we have no such project in the works at this time.”
The spokesperson added that AMD remains committed to its long-term strategy that was laid out for the company at its Financial Analyst Day last month.
Even if AMD is not considering such a move at this point in time, it merits mentioning here that breaking up the company isn’t going to be easy, since it’s vital to preserve existing cross-license agreements with the likes of Intel.
That’s not to say that it can’t be done, it can be done but it will require quite a lot of effort of everybody’s part to make it happen, and from the looks of things AMD isn’t pursuing that at least for now. Who knows what the future holds.
Filed in AMD.
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