home depotEarlier there were reports that Home Depot had dropped their support for Apple Pay, and if you’re a shopping at Home Depot who uses the feature naturally you would be disappointed. However the good news is that the reports were wrong and that Home Depot has not dropped their support for Apple’s mobile payments service.

In fact, the retail giant plans to be one of Apple Pay’s largest supports with more than 2,000 of its retail locations supporting the payment feature. According to a report from Bloomberg, the company was upgrading its point-of-sale systems and in the process, disabled the use of Apple Pay which led to many speculating that Home Depot had dropped their support, despite the fact that there was no formal announcement of support to begin with.

A spokesman for Home Depot revealed that the company was currently in talks with Apple about them supporting Apple Pay, although at the moment nothing has been finalized. However at the same time it should be noted that Apple Pay can be used at Home Depot as the retailer uses NFC readers at their checkout terminals, it’s just that there is no official detail between Apple or Home Depot at the moment.

No word on when we can expect the company to announce that Apple Pay will be officially accepted at their stores, but with Home Depot offering up more than 2,000 of its stores, we reckon this is a good way for Apple to gain more exposure and cover more ground with Apple Pay.

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