holographic-batteryWe are so used to different kinds of batteries, ranging from AA to AAAs as well as the cell type batteries that watches and calculators used, not to mention our smartphone batteries that tend to be flat and rectangle in nature. Having said that, most of these are far from being paper thin, but the holographic microbattery that you see here is very different – since it measures a mere 10 micrometers thick, now how about that?

It has long been known that researchers and companies have been working hard to deliver a next-generation battery for quite some time already, and the holographic microbattery that you see here is certainly worth checking out. A team of engineers at the University of Illinois demonstrated the possibility of a holographic microbattery which measures all of just 2mm wide, as well as 10 micrometers thick.

This translates to an area of 4mm squared, and 12% capacity fade. According to the very same team of researchers, this unique battery will play nice with current fabrication techniques, and is perfect when it comes to large-scale on-chip integration alongside a slew of microelectronic devices, ranging from medical implants to sensors and radio transmitters. It looks like the world of batteries is about to get a whole lot more exciting and progressive!

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