In the world of MOBAs, there are two that are dominating the scene at the moment – League of Legends and DotA 2. However Blizzard plans on competing with them with Heroes of the Storm, but whether or not they are successful remains to be seen. That being said if you are curious about the game and want to see if Blizzard has what it takes, you’re in luck.

The developer has recently announced that Heroes of the Storm has entered into open beta. What this means is that anyone can sign up for an account and start playing it. Prior to this, Blizzard had launched the game in Technical Alpha and Closed Beta phases where users had to be invited to participate, but now the door is pretty much open to all.

As Blizzard notes, the open beta is not necessarily indicative of what the final release will look like. There will still be changes and tweaks made to the game ahead of its official release, but presumably nothing too major will be changed so you should be able to get a pretty good idea of what the game will be like.

In the meantime as a quick recap, Blizzard had previously announced that the game will be officially released on the 2nd of June so if you want to start practicing ahead of its launch, now’s the time to do so.

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