apple watchSamsung and Apple are rivals in a lot of things, such as smartphones, tablets, mobile operating systems, computers, SoCs, services, and more just to name a few. Recently both companies also became rivals in the smartwatch market with Apple launching pre-orders for the Apple Watch over the weekend.

That being said with Apple’s entrance into the smartwatch game, is there any cause for concern for Samsung in this area? Some might argue yes, some might say no, but interestingly enough it seems that Samsung is actually a little thrilled by Apple’s entry into the smartwatch scene. Speaking to CNBC, Samsung’s VP for mobile in Europe Rory O’Neill expressed that it is a good thing that Apple is now making smartwatches.

According to O’Neill, “Great competitors offer great things to consumers and the fact that there are so many great competitors in this space mean that there is absolutely a market. I mean, that’s what it tells you. It’s with great delight that Apple has followed us into that market.” As many of you guys are aware, Apple is definitely not the first on the scene with a wearable, although many have heralded Apple’s entrance as being the catalyst that would set off the smartwatch race.

While it remains to be seen how well the Apple Watch does (initial reviews have been mixed), O’Neill does have a point. By having larger companies such as Apple make similar products, in a way it does make the scene a bit more “legit”. The wearable from Apple has managed to sell out its pre-order inventory although admittedly we are curious as to how big that number really is.

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