grooveshark-discMusic streaming company Grooveshark is no longer working, from what we have gathered from a letter that was displayed on its homepage. The letter mentioned, “We started out nearly ten years ago with the goal of helping fans share and discover music. But despite best of intentions, we made very serious mistakes. We failed to secure licenses from rights holders for the vast amount of music on the service. That was wrong. We apologize. Without reservation.”

While we always hope that all’s well that ends well, this does not seem to be the case for Grooveshark, but considering how they have apologized, I suppose it should be all water under the bridge now. The result of Grooveshark shutting down is because of a settlement with record companies, and do take note that the company itself also has had less than perfect relations with labels in prior interactions.

A handful of music-streaming services which remain legally include the likes of Spotify, Deezer, Google Play, Apple’s Beats Music, Rhapsody, and Rdio. It looks like Grooveshark did not manage to last a decade in the industry, having first started off in 2006, where its headquarters was located in Gainesville, Fla. Well, everything has to end one day or another, right?

Filed in Audio. Read more about and . Source: venturebeat