apple watchThe Apple Watch is going up for pre-order next Friday and if you had your eye on the device, here’s your chance to familiarize yourself with it. Apple has recently released four new tutorial videos that pretty much guide you through the use of the watch as well as explaining some of its features to you.

It also seems that there will be more tutorials coming as according to the website, there are a total of 11 videos that Apple plans to release. However only four have been made available at this time of posting with the other videos said to be “Coming soon”. The initial videos will cover features such as messages, the different watch faces, and digital touch.

Other videos will cover topics like receiving phone calls, controlling music playback, using Siri, using your watch as a workout device, and how could we forget, using your Apple Watch to make Apple Pay transactions. Apple has also confirmed that the purchases of the Apple Watch for the foreseeable future will be based on a reservation system.

What this means is that users won’t be able to just walk into a store and pick it up whenever they want. It is unclear if this is meant to create some sense of exclusivity or if it might have something to do with the rumors of supplies being constrained at the start, but that’s something potential buyers should take note of.

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