In the past we have seen an increased effort from companies in teaching children how to program. This involves apps and toys that will make the process of learning to code more fun and applicable to children of a certain age, and it looks like the momentum won’t be slowing down anytime soon.

Codie is a new toy launched on Indiegogo that aims to teach children how to code. It is a wheeled toy that comes with an accompanying app that lets the user control it as well as program it. However instead of typing in lines of code and syntaxes, Codie’s app will rely on visual drag and drop blocks to teach children the concept of programming.

This isn’t a new concept but Codie’s creators believe that their toy will stand out thanks to their programming language. Their programming language will not require any compiling time and will react in real time, meaning that any changes the child makes will be reflected instantly, so this makes for a more interactive toy and experience. After all we know how children sometimes don’t really have the most patience when it comes to their toys.

At this point in time, the company is still trying to raise money for its project via Indiegogo. It has managed to raise a little over half of its $70,000 goal so if you’d like to learn more or pledge your support in what seems like a great educational toy, hit up its Indiegogo page for the details.

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