
Amazon customers who subscribe to the $99 per year Prime program also get access to the company’s online video streaming service called Amazon Instant Video. It offers a huge collection of TV shows and movies aside from the original content produced by Amazon Studios. Instant Video can be accessed from a variety of platforms however the iOS app has lacked one important feature since the day it came out: HD streaming. The app has finally been updated to support high-definition streaming.

It may be hard for some people to fathom that in this day and age how an online video streaming service doesn’t offer streaming in HD on iOS, which is among the top two most popular mobile platforms in the world.

Version 3.0 of the Amazon Instant Video for iOS has been released which lets users stream TV shows and movies in high-definition, previously all the app could manage was streaming in standard-definition.

This update also allows users to stream content over their cellular connection, previously the app simply won’t stream content unless the device was connected to a Wi-Fi network first.

Those who will stream data over their cellular connection should keep in mind just how fast HD streaming can guzzle data, so they should be very mindful about data consumption to avoid any bill shocks.

Amazon Instant Video for iOS is a free download from the App Store.

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