apple-iwatch-front-uiBack in February we had heard the rumors that Apple had invited several developers to work on developing apps for the Apple Watch, and now thanks to a recent report by Bloomberg Business, additional details about Apple’s involvement in helping developers create apps for the smartwatch has surfaced.

One of those invited to Apple’s workshops was Starwood Hotels whose VP and creative director Stephen Gates revealed that they were working on an app that would allow hotel guests to unlock their room doors via a smartwatch app. According to the Bloomberg report, “Internet access is blocked inside the rooms, and no outside materials can be brought in to the labs with the test watches, a person who attended said.”

In fact the development process is kept under such tight wraps that the source codes for their apps must be brought on a separate hard drive that isn’t allowed to leave Apple’s HQ. “To prevent information from leaking out, Apple is storing the code and sending it to the companies closer to the watch’s introduction date, the person said.”

Apple is expected to share additional details about the watch on the 9th of March, so if you’d like to learn more about Apple’s upcoming wearable, do check back with us then for the details.

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