The goal of smartwatches is to bring information from our smartphones onto our wrists, thus allowing us to check notifications without having to dig out our phone from our bags or pockets, which could be handy in situations where one needs to be a bit more discreet. However the Neptune Duo is looking to change that by putting the phone on your wrist instead.

The Neptune Duo, made by the same company behind the Neptune Pine, is basically the combination of two devices – the Neptune Hub and the Neptune Pocket. The Hub is the device you wear on your wrist and under the hood, it packs some hardware that one might expect from smartphones, such as a quad-core processor, LTE, WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, GPS, and will run on Android 5.0 with a 2.4-inch curved display.

The Pocket on the other hand acts as a screen and a battery. The idea, according to the company, is for the Pocket to act as a phone in the event that the user wants a more “traditional” experience. However apart from that, the Pocket will just display information and will also act as a portable battery for the Hub.

It’s an odd combination and we’re not sure if it’s such an ideal setup. From what we can tell in the photos, the Hub is pretty chunky and not particularly attractive, and the Pocket just seems like an unnecessary addition. In any case for those who are interested, you can head on over to the Neptune Duo’s website for additional details or to place a reservation.

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