Who wouldn’t mind to have a faster internet connection? I certainly wouldn’t. And if you are like me then we all have something to look forward to when KT, in collaboration with their compatriot, Samsung and Qualcomm demonstrate the new LTE network and Wi-Fi connection at MWC 2015 which will be held in Barcelona next week.
For those who don’t know LTE, is an abbreviation for Long Term Evolution, commonly marketed as 4G LTE, it is a standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for mobile phones and data terminals. As mentioned in a report by Bloomberg in 2013, Korea is still the top country by 4G LTE penetration, at 62.5% of the population during the time of the report.
The new system, LTE-H or HetNet as it is called, fundamentally combines link instead of how the current LTE-A which uses carrier as core technology for merging of 4G and 5G. Therefore the new system permits users to tap into both the LTE network and Wi-Fi connecting up to staggering top speed of 600Mbps; combination of 150Mbps of broadband LTE and 450Mbps GiGa WiFi speed.
It goes straight in controlling the Wi-Fi connection from the LTE station. This is a more efficient alternative compared to the software based combination transmission of LTE-Wi-Fi. These stations will also monitor the signal strength between the users’ mobile terminals and Wi-Fi AP to guarantees a seamless connection.
The technology will be piloted in Korea, offering Gigabit connection speed at hotspots across the country as early as first half of 2016.
KT is also scheduled to show off its CA LTE-U (unlicensed spectrum) technology for WiFi 5GHz frequency band aggregated with conventional LTE in unlicensed spectrum at the conference.
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