whatsimThanks to instant messaging apps like WhatsApp, we are able to chat with our friends and family from different countries for free (subscription fee notwithstanding). Prior to this if we wanted to send messages to our friends or family members from different countries, we’d get charged more, but apps like WhatsApp have eliminated that entirely.

But what if you were to travel overseas and don’t have an internet connection? Data roaming is a possibility albeit an expensive one, and we suppose one could always try and look for free WiFi, or purchase a local SIM card. However if you’d rather not spend the money on a local SIM card that you’ll never use again, you might be interested in the WhatSim.

The WhatSim, as you can see in the image above, is a SIM card that will basically give the user’s phone WhatsApp capabilities, regardless of where they are in the world. In a sense it is an extremely limited SIM card as it would only allow the user to send and receive WhatsApp messages, which is great if you’re traveling and need to contact your friends on your whereabouts.

The SIM card will play nicely with more than 400 carriers in about 150 countries and will only cost you €10 a year. Now we should note that the €10 only includes the sending of text messages, location and contact sharing. If you’d like to send multimedia videos, you would have to pay more depending on which zone you are in and you can check out the rates via its website.

It sounds like a pretty handy tool and if you wouldn’t mind getting your hands on the WhatSim (which comes in nano, micro, and standard sizes), head on over to the WhatSim website to place your order.

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