It looks as though a world’s first has been achieved by researchers over at the University of California, San Diego. We are looking at artificial, microscopic machines which have the ability to travel within a living creature, and the function of these nanobot micromotors? To be able to deliver a payload of medication – all without any detrimental side effects. This is starting to feel as though we are about to take the next quantum leap in the field of medicine, sort of like something from a science fiction movie.
Micro-motor powered nanobots would be propelled by gas bubbles that were made from a reaction with the contents of the stomach, and these nanobots have so far been experimented on successfully in the body of a live mouse. Measuring approximately 20 micrometers in length, 5 micrometers in diameter, and arriving coated in zinc, these nanobots will get about their job with a fervor, capable of traveling three times its body length each second.
Researchers claim that the deployed nanobots that arrived at the stomach walls remained attached to the lining for a dozen hours after ingestion, which goes to show how effective it could be if used in humans. Hearing about it reminds me of how scene where the T-Virus bonded with Alice’s cells in the Resident Evil movie series.
Filed in gizmag
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