
Many of us like to make many New Years Resolutions, which may or may be worked up throughout the new year, and Mark Zuckerberg is no different. Before 2015 rolled in the Facebook founder and CEO asked his 30 million+ followers on Facebook for suggestions about a new challenge that he should take up in 2015. Out of the suggestions provided by over 50,000 people Zuckerberg picked one which is to “read a new book every other week.”

Zuckerberg says that he looks forward to shift more of his “media diet” towards books as he finds reading books “intellectually fulfilling.” As an avid book reader myself I have to agree with the Facebook founder.

He’s also inviting people to follow along with this challenge. Zuckerberg has created a new page on Facebook, obviously, called A Year of Books where he’ll post what he’s reading. The group will be moderated to ensure that discussions are relevant to the books that are being read during that particular week.

The first book of 2014 is The End of Power by Moisés Naím. Zuckerberg’s new page has over 90,000 likes so far and many commenters are joining in on the challenge. This is probably the reason why The End of Power’s paperback version is now temporarily “out of stock” over at Amazon.

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