xbox-one-hands-on-review-04It does look as though Microsoft’s Xbox One console has been on the losing end in terms of sales figures as opposed to its rival, which would be the Sony PS4, in terms of sales figures, although it did manage to claw a victory in the month of November. One particular area of criticism for the Xbox One would be the fact that Microsoft decided to settle for GDDR3 and eSRAM in order to handle its high-end graphics, although in the most recent update to its SDK, it was mentioned that the eSRAM that is within the Xbox One has received a performance improvement.

Lead Game Designer Maciej Binkowski of Dying Light has confirmed the improvements to the Xbox One’s eSRAM module, mentioning, “The new API allows you to do a lot more with the ESRAM, things devs have always wanted to do but were not easily accessible. This together with better tools (PIX) allowed us to really improve performance and tweak ESRAM usage”.

Having said that, does this mean that Dying Light will be an upcoming title that will be able to maximize the performance of the Xbox One? The answer does seem as though it will be in the right direction, and that is a good thing for us gamers, right?

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