xbox-live-gold-free-515x287It is me, or are hackers just having too easy a time compromising the systems of various organizations around the world? Of course, one of the more high profile hacks that happened just recently would be that of Sony, where North Korea has been indicated to be the perpetrator – or at the very least, someone from that part of the world, with movies from Sony’s database being leaked out and making its way to various torrent sites worldwide. As for the gaming sector, hacks are not all that uncommon, either, and today at approximately 5:30p.m., we have received word from Xbox Live users that there were intermittent connectivity issues – with a hacking group known as Lizard Squad claiming responsibility for these connectivity issues.

The folks over at the Xbox Support team have not yet managed to confirm just what kind of outage this incident involves, and neither have they mentioned the person(s) responsible for this debacle. Lizard Squad took to Twitter to mention that this hack of theirs happened to be “just a small dose” of what they have in store this coming Christmas. Hopefully security holes will be patched up by then, and a whole lot of shoring up would be done as the Christmas season is an extremely busy period for everyone, and I am quite sure that having the Xbox Live service down or disrupted is not something that Microsoft gamers would like to experience.

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