nintendo-wii-u-review-9There have been rumors in the past that Nintendo is working on a successor to the Wii U system, a console which hasn’t been doing particularly well as of late. The rumors suggested that the company was working on a brand new system which has since been denied, although if a recent statement by Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto is anything to go by, we know that Nintendo is looking into it.

Speaking in an interview, Miyamoto revealed that the company is currently looking into a possible successor to the console. “For the time being, our focus is on the Wii U hardware, but Nintendo as a whole has groups working on ideas for new hardware systems. While we’re busy working on software for the Wii U, we have production lines that are working on ideas for what the next system might be.”

This is by no means a confirmation that we will be able to expect a new Wii U console in the near future, but at the very least it suggests that Nintendo is looking into the idea of a possible new console. In fact recently many got unnecessarily excited with the appearance of a newly designed GamePad which later turned out to be bad editing.

Earlier this year Nintendo also mentioned that they will not be releasing a new console until users are satisfied, although we can’t be sure what will Nintendo base this on (user feedback? Sales?). In any case what kind of changes would you like to see Nintendo make to future consoles?

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