netflix android wearWe’re sure you guys know what Netflix is, a platform in which users will be able to watch a variety of TV shows and movies. That being said, is there a place for Netflix on wearables? After all smartwatches are probably too small to watch movies on, right? Well maybe not for video watching, but socializing, as Netflix has recently announced on their blog.

The company has recently pushed out an update to its Android app that adds Android Wear support. Like we said the support for Android Wear doesn’t mean that you get to watch movies on your smartwatch, but rather it acts as a platform for you to receive your notifications and alerts when you get a recommendation.

According to Netflix, “Second, for Android smartwatch users, we’ve created an Android Wear integration that alerts you when you’ve received a recommendation, and lets you watch, thank, play, or get more details on the show.” This is pretty much the same update that Netflix has applied to their main Android app, except condensed into Android Wear form.

In any case the update should be available for download via Google Play but if it isn’t there yet, we can only assume that it should be live soon. In the meantime anyone else excited for this feature?

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