Work for the U.S. Navy, and you get to see the world, or so the saying goes. The thing is, the folks over at the Navy do seem to have their fair share of toys to play around with, such as a recently tested laser that ought to send chills down the spine of many of the U.S.’ enemies. Well, it seems that they also have another weapon up their sleeves – in the form of this 5-foot robot which will be able to swim around like that of a blue fin tuna.

This unique, unmanned underwater robot does look at move about like a blue fin tuna as you can see in the video above. The whole idea of this robot hails from Project Silent Nemo, where a prototype of it was tested out over at Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek in Virginia last week. This unique robot fish can be controlled using a joystick, or one can choose to program it so that it can swim on its own.

This model is deemed to be attractive by project engineers because it successfully mimics the evolved motions of a real fish, compared to propelling itself through the water using a propeller that majority of what other submersibles use, allowing “Nemo” to move about underwater in an extremely quiet manner. This would mean it is hoped for Nemo to sneak into enemy waters in a more effective manner.

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