gear-s-wifi-japanWhen it comes to the world of smartwatches, there definitely has been a fair number of improvements and strides made in this particular segment. After all, it is a growing niche market that might just explode eventually when the long awaited Apple Watch hits the market. Having said that, the Samsung Gear S Wi-Fi only smartwatch has been released over in Japan, making this a very, very different smart timepiece that has already been introduced not only in the U.S., but also in other parts of the world, where those versions of the Samsung Gear S do come with a SIM card slot as well as support for cellular data from wireless carriers.

It is, however, rather interesting to take note that majority of the smartwatches out there do come with Bluetooth connectivity, although there will be no Wi-Fi. Hence, the new variant of the Samsung Gear S will still be able to handle is still able handle Internet-dependent tasks even without a SIM card slot. Right now, the Samsung Gear S Wi-Fi only version would be made available over on the Japanese carrier KDDI au. It remains to be seen whether Samsung will release this particular version of the smartwatch in different markets elsewhere.

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