Before Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare was even released a trailer made its way online which showed off that the game could have a zombie mode. When the game did arrive as expected on November 4th the zombie mode was nowhere to be found. Many suspected that it might arrive in a later update. Today a trailer has been officially released which confirms the new Call of Duty zombie mode, and we now know that this is actually called Exo Zombies.

The trailer shows a soldier signalling an extraction by lighting up a flare only to be swarmed by zombies. As the soldier runs out of ammo he runs towards the flare and is picked up by an aircraft that also provides cover fire.

Gideon, a character gamers will be familiar with if they’ve played the campaign mode, checks the soldier to see if he has been bitten by any of the zombies. As he leans out of the aircraft to look at the complex that’s filled with the undead, one zombie jumps out towards the aircraft because it too has an exo suit.

When the trailer ends, the text defines this new mode as Exo Zombies and mentions that “season begins in January for Advanced Warfare DLC on Xbox Live.”

Clearly the new Call of Duty zombie mode is coming as a DLC though it hasn’t been confirmed if Exo Zombies is the first DLC that will be released for Advanced Warfare.

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