With the patent wars currently being fought today, it is no surprise that many companies are hoping to avoid the possibilities of a long and drawn out battle in court with expensive legal fees, which is why it isn’t too surprising to learn that LG and Google have recently announced that they will be entering into a global patent licensing agreement with one another.
This patent is expected to last for the next 10 years although neither LG nor Google have explicitly mentioned why they are entering into this agreement. We suppose some of the more obvious reasons is to avoid potential lawsuits with regards to patent infringements, an issue that is still going on between Apple and Samsung even until today.
It is also possible that the deal will ensure that Google will keep LG around as an Android partner over the next decade or so, although with the details of the agreement remaining a mystery, it’s really anyone’s guess. According to Google’s deputy general counsel for patents Allen Lo, “We’re pleased to enter into this agreement with a leading global technology company like LG. By working together on cross-licenses like this, companies can focus on bringing great products and services to consumers around the world.”
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