DC-21-Lumia-930Battery packs these days are a pretty common sight. After all with most of our smartphones barely lasting a day, battery cases and battery packs would be a way to ensure our phones don’t die on us in the middle of the day or during an emergency. Well for those who are shopping for a new battery pack, Microsoft has recently unveiled their new Portable Power battery pack.

Like we said such devices are a common sight nowadays, but what makes the Microsoft Portable Power battery pack different is that the company claims it will charge your devices as quickly as their wall charger, the AC-60. The Power Pack will feature a 6,000mAh battery in it which Microsoft claims can be recharged to 80% in 3 hours, or 100% in 4 hours.

The Power Pack will support both USB and micro USB charging, and based on the fact that it USB cables can be plugged into it, we don’t see why it can’t be used to charge iOS devices via the Lightning cable as well, although Microsoft does seem to be recommending their Lumia devices that will work best with it.

Priced at $49, the Microsoft Portable Power will be available in white, green, and orange and will be available later this month. Interestingly enough it seems that despite the charger looking like it was designed by Nokia, it now sports the Microsoft branding, not to mention the Lumia phones on Microsoft’s website are simply referred to as Lumia, and not Nokia.

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