Cyanogen-Inc-640x400The Android custom ROM CyanogenMod had a rather humble beginning, although its popularity helped it to grow and eventually become a force to be reckoned with, so much so that companies such as Oppo and OnePlus created handsets that came with CyanogenMod preinstalled.

Well now according to a report from The Information (via Phandroid), word has it that Cyanogen Inc. had been approached by Google where Google had reportedly offered to acquire the company. The company had met with Google’s Sundar Pichai to discuss a potential acquisition, but apparently had turned it down as they believed that the company still had room to grow.

It also looks like the company is leveraging Google’s interest in them and are seeking a valuation at a whopping $1 billion. This is the third round of funding that the company has gone for, with the last year’s funding hitting $22 million, so it is safe to say that a jump to $1 billion is a very, very, huge leap.

The CyanogenMod ROM and its team have contributed greatly to the Android platform. The company has created features for Android which have later been replicated in the official Android builds, so in a way many Android users can thank custom ROMs like CyanogenMod for some of their favorite Android features, but what do you guys think? Could the company really be worth $1 billion as reported?

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