blizzcon-virtual-ticketFor those of you who simply cannot get enough of Blizzard’s offerings, and have made dropping by BlizzCon as one of the main highlights of the year, you will be pleased to know that even if you are unable to make it there physically this year, there is always a digital alternative. This particular digital alternative mode will be known as the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket, where you will be able to catch the two day show and see what there is in store for all things Warcraft, StarCraft and Diablo – remotely, that is, so make sure you happen to own a decent Internet connection wherever you are.

The BlizzCon Virtual Ticket would be able to offer one access to live streaming of BlizzCon 2014’s opening and closing ceremonies, all of the panels, interviews, costume and talent contests – among others. In addition, if you happen to pick up a BlizzCon Virtual Ticket as well, you will be granted access to in-game items for World of Warcraft, StarCraft 2, Diablo 3, Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm, now how does that sound as a treasure trove?

That is not all, however, as virtual ticket holders will also be able to take a crack at online store merchandise for close to a month – that is, from October 17 to November 11. The asking price for the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket would be $39.99, which is similar to what one would pay for the DirecTV BlizzCon 2014 pay-per-view option.

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