amazon-fire-tv-review-023There are probably companies out there that we don’t like for a variety of reasons – it could be poor customer service, overpriced when compared to competitors, lack of variety, and so on. What happens in these cases is that people tend to write bad reviews about the product, service, or the company in general, although it’s not everyday that you see websites dedicated to criticizing said company.

Well perhaps looking to pre-empt such websites, it seems that someone over in Amazon has thought that it would be a great idea to buy up websites and domain names that could potentially contain disparaging remarks about the company’s products and services. This was spotted by Alex Shephard who discovered that Amazon had bought domains such as “”, “”, “”, and more just to name a few.

Now this is actually pretty common – after all why would a company want such a domain floating about and up for grabs by disgruntled customers or maybe by the competition, right? At the same time we reckon that there might be too many combinations that people could think up of for Amazon to buy every single one of them, but we guess they got the main ones at the very least.

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