nintendo-wii-u-review-25We have heard stories of how video games have managed to save lives. For example earlier this year we heard how an 11-year old who played Grand Theft Auto managed to save the life of his grandfather, and now according to a report from the UK’s Daily Mail, it seems that a woman has recently attributed the Nintendo Wii U to saving her life.

According to the woman, 36-year old Emma White, she claims that she was playing a dancing game on the Wii U console when she suddenly lost control of her bladder. Given that this is the first time it has ever happened to her, she went to her doctor who found that she was bleeding from her cervix. Additional tests revealed that White had cervical cancer.

However it seems it seems that after undergoing six weeks of chemotherapy and radiotherapy that the tumor had gone away. White claims that she started noticing signs that all was not well when she gave birth to her daughter in March 2013, although she did not think that it was anything serious.

“It took until November for me to realise that it had been over six months and my body still wasn’t back to normal. I just kept thinking I was going to get better so delayed going to the doctors.”

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