healthkitGiven how upset some people were at the idea of companies like Apple or Google possibly sharing their location data, we can only imagine how outraged some users would feel if information from iOS 8’s HealthKit were ever to be leaked or shared with unauthorized users. After all there could be sensitive and embarrassing information there that individuals would not care to share with the world.

That being said, a recent report from the Financial Times (via AppleInsider) have found that Apple has made some changes to HealthKit in the latest iOS 8 beta. According to the changes Apple made to iOS 8’s licensing agreement, the Cupertino company has restricted developers from selling or distributing information collected by HealthKit.

The terms state that developers may not “sell an end-user’s health information collected through the HealthKit API to advertising platforms, data brokers or information resellers.” It also states that developers may not gather HealthKit data “for any purpose other than providing health and/or fitness services.”

Of course these are just terms that Apple hopes developers will adhere to, but we suppose there will always be an unscrupulous developer or two who thinks that they can get away with selling the data. Either way we suppose it’s comforting to know that Apple has clearly stated the rules and here’s hoping that developers will stick to them!

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